
This page will try to list and categorize based on impact all the incompatibilities the current version of Mine Mine no Mi has with other mods. Keep in mind these incompatibilities are mostly reported by players as we're unable to test compatibility with every mod or modpack out there.


Unless otherwise stated in the details section the incompatibility was manually tested by a developer before being added.

While workarounds might exist this page will only note them based on how reliable, as such workarounds like "just don't use both mods" will not be noted.

The impact is noted as such:

  • Minor, issues that do not affect the gameplay or its performance, usually graphical
  • Major, issues that can affect gameplay or performance, no matter how rare or edge case it might be
  • Critical, crashes on startup, world generation or very frequently during gameplay, crashes that rarely happen or require complex setups to perform will be downgraded to Major
  • Fixed(?), fixed in theory, however large scale testing will be required to make sure its actually fixed
  • Fixed, fixed, confirmed by either a dev or multiple people using this mod as part of their modpack, kept here as information until its no longer relevant
ArclightMajorThis is a server not a mod. While using arclight certain abilities (more commonly punches) will have no cooldown and will essentially allow spamming 100+ damage attacks with every tick.-
1: Crashes on startup

2: It might still not fully work with certain config options such as One Fruit per World, thus the Major label, if no crash is going to be reported it will still remain as a Major one until that is fixed.
Structurize/Mine ColoniesMajorCrashes at specific points, this is a library mod used by Mine Colonies-
protocollibMajorThis is a plugin not a mod. Crashes with the custom mod explosions, might not happen 100% of the time as it might be based on what other plugins using protocollib are used in that server.-
Ma EssentialsMajorWhile the "One Fruit per World" config option is set to EXTENDED using /invsee on a player with a fruit in their inventory will result in that fruit disappearingYes
Minecraft Comes AliveMinorAll transformations, be them zoans or otherwise are busted, issue is only visual as far as we know howeverYes
optifineMinorVaries a lot from user to user but it generally has issues when it comes to custom rendering code such as Aura's overlay, especially when using shaders-
obfuscateMinorSome animations will not play correctly-
offhandcombatFixed(?)No crashes sighted or reported in quite a few years, could very well be fixed however this crash was never 100% reproductible so it might still randomlly happen.

Randomly crashes while in game, most likely due to NPCs
HeadshotFixedCrashes when certain mod entities die

Note: The report was made on the Forge port by chronos_sacaria, NOT the fabric version.
MagmaFixedMagma is no longer developed or even downloadable so it should no longer be used.

This is a server not a mod While using a Magma server mod commands will not be recognized and will not work
FTBChunksFixedCrashes only when ability protections with block restoration enabled are used inside claims-
1: Crashes on startup, not 100% and its probably based on other mods implementing it or based on its versions

2: Crashes when hovering over abilities with projectile tooltips in the ability selection menu.
Valkyriean SkiesFixedCrashes whenever a challenge gets started-
performantFixedCustom spawners used in all Mine Mine no Mi structures will spawn pigs instead of their intended npcYes

If you have any reports regarding incompatibilities make sure to let us know so we can update this list and maybe fix the ones that we can fix.


Ma Essentials

There are two solutions to this, neither of which is perfect:

  • Avoid using "One Fruit per World" as EXTENDED while also using Ma Essentials
  • Disable the /invsee command using Ma Essential's config:
	#Enable command: /invsee
	enable = false

Minecraft Comes Alive

In MCA's config turn to false the following option:

"enableVillagerPlayerModel": false, // true by default


In performant's config the following options need to be turned false:

#Enable faster pathfinding, default = true
fastPathFinding = false

#Enables improved entity collision and movement calculations for any non item entity, default = true
fastCollisions = false

#Enable multithreading support for entities, requires fastCollisions to be enabled. default = true
multiEntities = false
Last change: 2025-01-04