
Animals that can be bread are the following:

  • Sea Cow1
  • Bananawani
  • White Walkie
  • Super Spot-Billed Duck
  • Yagara Bull
  • Dugongs[^2]

Inherited stats

As with horses in vanilla minecraft when the above animals are bred stats from the parents will be passed down to the kids, these stats vary from animal to animal as it follows:

Bananawani: HP, Armor, Speed, Damage, Swimming Speed

Ducks: HP, Jump Height, Speed, Float Time

White Walkie: HP, Armor, Speed, Damage

Yagara Bull: HP, Swimming Speed

Dugong: HP, Armor, Speed, Damage, Haki[^3]


Sea Cows are at the moment only breedable in theory as they have baby models and logic, however players cannot breed them using food as with others. Due to this they also do not make use of stat inheritence yet. [^2]: With the exception of Wandering and Legendary Master variations. [^3]: If both parents know haki the baby has a 80% to spawn with it as well, however it will be unable to use it until it becomes an adult.

Last change: 2024-05-25