Permission Level: 3
This command can only be used if the "One Fruit per World" config option is set to either SIMPLE or EXTENDED
- /check_fruits list
- Sends a client-sided chat message for the command executor detaling all the fruits in the world, spawned fruits, which player holds or ate what fruit and the logoff details of devil fruit players
- /check_fruits history <fruit> [(page)|export]
- Lists the history of the given fruit, who had it, what happened to it and when
- The fruit needs to be on a specific format as such:
- Pika Pika no Mi turns into pika_pika
- For Zoans with models the following Zou Zou no Mi, Model: Mammoth will turn into zou_zou_mammoth
- Same format applies for all fruits.
- The command will only output the last 100 entries due to Minecraft's chat, to view more entries you can use the
following argument to input a number representing the page number ex: /check_fruits history pika_pika 4
- The page numbers will start from 0 (signifying the 1st page)
- The export argument will generate a folder called onefruit-exports holding a file (or multiple) for the fruit you've
- Ex: /check_fruits history pika_pika export will export the entire history of the Pika Pika no Mi