Ability Bars

How many ability bars a user should have access to on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 2 as the default).


This only handles the number of total ability bars, NOT the number of currently displayed ones, for that you'll have to check in the client config for 'Ability Bars on Screen'.

This config works differently depending if its on client or server side!

  • While used on the server it acts as the maximum number of allowed ability bars a player can use
  • While used on the client it'll act as the actual number of bars allowed between 1 and the server's allowed limit
  • The client's number cannot exceed the server's limit, otherwise it'll scale back to the maximum allowed


If the server you're joining has a maximum limit of 5 ability bars allowed, your local config can use any number between 1 and 5!

Last change: 2024-08-08