Haoshoku Haki Unlock Logic
Dictates how a player can unlock the Haoshoku Haki ability
The option is called "Haoshoku Haki Unlock Logic" and has the following possible values:
- Allows every player to eventually unlock the ability based on the total amount of haki experience they have
- Nobody can unlock the ability via natural progression, commands can still be used to add it however
- Players are determined "worthy" by their account's ID, you can check if your account is eligible via our Haoshoku Haki Checker
- This option carries from world to world and server to server assuming the server uses the RANDOM config option
COMBINED (default)
- Combines the RANDOM and EXPERIENCE options allowing players to both spawn with it and unlock it eventually via grinding
- For the "worthiness" of a user the server's world seed is also added into play, meaning players might get the ability on one world but not another.
- The Checker will not work for this option!