Damage Reduction

While not a blocking mechanic per se, players are also given 2 major stats to boost their defences and reduce incoming damage.

Armor and Toughness.

Armor Stat

Armor is obviously obtained from the armor items you're wearing, certain Zoans such as Kame Kame no Mi might also buff this Armor stat through their buffs.

Armor can be bypassed by certain abilities either partially or fully.

Toughness Stat

Toughness is the physical toughness of your body, it can be increased in one of the following ways:

  • Passively by increasing your Doriki, at max Doriki a player will have increased their Toughness stat to 8
  • Using certain abilities that offer Toughness as part of their mechanics
    • Using Busoshoku Haki: Full Body Hardening at max Haki it will provide an additional 8
    • Kira Kira no Mi's Diamond Body will provide an additional 8
  • Certain Zoan Points offer Toughness as a passive buff such as Allosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Pteranodon, Leopard and others


While health will not reduce the amount of damage you receive it will directly allow you to live longer and take more damage.

Players can gain more health in one of the following ways:

  • Passively by increasing your Doriki, at max Doriki a player will have a total HP pool of 250
  • Certain Zoan Points will offer extra Health as passive buff such as Daibutsu, Brachiosaurus, Mammoth and others
Last change: 2024-05-25