- Cyborgs gain a new resource, namely Cola. This resource is visible in both the player's menu and next to the combat
- To replenish this resource Cyborgs must drink Cola
- Cyborgs can increase their maximum cola in two ways:
- Drinking Ultra Cola, up to 20 bottles for a maximum of 500 cola (100 default + 400 from ultra cola)
- Equipping a Cola Backpack increasing the cola by another 500 cola
- Adding up all the above the maximum cola a player can have is 1000
- Cyborgs also gain a natural armor layer (10 armor) but the downside of this is that they're swimming is slower than
regular humans
- They can use Cyborg abilities, they start with all of them unlocked
- Fresh Fire (0 doriki)
- Cola Overdrive (0 doriki)
- Strong Right (0 doriki)
- Radical Beam (0 doriki)
- Coup de Vent (0 doriki)
- Coup de Boo (0 doriki)