Art of Weather

Art of Weather Logo

Art of Weather players (sometimes referred to Weather Wizards) can learn their abilities from the Weather Wizards which can either spawn around the world or up on Sky Islands.

Art of Weather Structure


  • Art of Weather is a complicated fighting style that relies on creating tempos using the 3 basic weather balls (Heat, Cool and Thunder)
  • Clima Tacts are required for performing said combos, and some can only be performed using higher grade Clima Tacts
  • Sneaking while using one of the 3 basic weather balls will charge them into the clima tact, allowing for different tempos to be executed


  • Heat Ball
  • Cool Ball
  • Weather Cloud Tempo
  • Thunder Ball
  • Thunderbolt Tempo
  • Rain Tempo
  • Mirage Tempo
  • Fog Tempo
  • Thunderstorm Tempo
  • Thunder Lance Tempo
  • Gust Sword
  • Weather Egg
Last change: 2024-05-25